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Consigned To Oblivion

Everyone is walking a predetermined path, forever consigned to the idea that they're not consigned to oblivion. Convinced that they have broken off the point of continuation and stopped revolving around the predetermined path. But everyone is walking that predetermined path, treading over ghosts that refuse to be forgotten, believing that each of their paths is their own, oblivious to the fact that oblivion is universal.

Cassandra James. Seventeen. Soon-to-be-graduating senior. The typical high schooler, aside from the past that she struggles to accept, and the reminders of everything oblivion stole from her. The typical high schooler, trying, like all other seventeen year olds, to make sense of the cards she was dealt. Blurring the lines between fiction and reality, Cassandra fights to find meaning in a meaningless world, and to break her consignment to oblivion.

"Do not let all the mundane series of concatenations in this world be for naught," said Lily Peters.

Which was just her way of saying, don't live for nothing.

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